Video We Think Of Other Exactly The Way We Ourselves Are Before, I am talking when I used to use FaceBook a lot, I would regularly post articles and photos on my wall. At that time I was thinking: "This is great! people
Video The Queen - Kaki King This absolutely made my day! She has another performance which is interesting too, but I liked this one better.
Video Best of Times It happened again. A 6 miles run ended with a wonderful song! >Thank you for the inspiration Thank you for the smiles All the unconditional love That carried me for miles It carried
Video Everything Bad is Good for You! Maybe it is you that has changed. Maybe juvenoia is necessary for all the hidden changes. Maybe everything bad is good for you! For which I totally agree! In everything bad, there can
Video Happy day of LOVE, everyone! Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person; it is an attitude, an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward
Video Lonely Little Town Just a smile, just a glance The Prince of Darkness He just walked past There's been a lot of people And they've had a lot to say But this time, I'm gonna tell
Video What are the chances? Really! What are the chances I run into these two videos on the same night!?
Video Think About It Five percent of the people think; Ten percent of the people think they think; The other eighty five percent would rather die than think. By Casey Neistat, in:
Video Lera Lynn The second season of True Detective was an absolute waste of time, an exact opposite of its first season. Although it only had one good outcome for me, which introduced me to this
Video Dying Brokenhearted A bed of moss was granted, she laid down with a sigh, Embraced by the green blankets she kissed the world goodbye..
Video Tiny Concert Sit back and relax, maybe make some tea or hot coffee.... hit the fullscreen button, and enjoy this 13 minutes like I did.
Video Lili... Have to watch this movie now.... Specially that "Melanie Laurent" plays the first role! Look her up, in case haven't heard of her.