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We Think Of Other Exactly The Way We Ourselves Are

Before, I am talking when I used to use FaceBook a lot, I would regularly post articles and photos on my wall. At that time I was thinking: "This is great! people will see my shares as I see theirs". And I must say I had far less friends than I do now!

But these days I don't use FaceBook as much. And whenever I want to share something on my wall I think to myself: "what's the point, no one's gonna see it anyway!".

...Like a prisoner in mind.

Information that unwinds take control of your blinded mind hypnotised and mesmerised leave the world behind

Your life is banned by the screen
demanded by the machine
unaware of it's might
visual animation:
a surrogate delight

insane, in vain
flipping like a pin-ball
in a crazy game
so blind, no mind
stepping out of line
The dreams you left a one
have long ago turned to stone
'coz the idol you adore
has no flesh nor bone

Beware you prisoner in mind
Your ruler Creeps from behind
and you won't notice at all
his slow manipulation
at last'll make you fall

Insane, in vain
flipping like a pin ball
In a crazy game
so blind, no mind
tripping in the shadows
stepping out of line